License upgrade on financial instruments and foreign exchange


Finco Treasury Management Ltd announces that as of the beginning of January 2016, it has upgraded its MFSA Investment Services Act licence to Category 3, which in addition to the provision of advisory and discretionary investment management services  and the holding and control of clients’ assets, authorises Finco Treasury Management Ltd to deal on own account in relation to financial instruments and foreign exchange.

At the same time, Finco Treasury Management also obtained a licence under the Financial Institutions Act whereby it is authorised to trade for own account and for account of customers in foreign exchange, both on the spot and forward market, and to provide services to the general public and commercial sector in relation to the purchase and sale of any foreign currency.  Finco Treasury Management Ltd does not deal in currency notes. 

Finco Treasury Management Ltd thabbar li b’effett mill-bidu tas-sena 2016,l-awtorizazzjoni li tgawdi mill-MFSA taht l-Att dwar Servizzi ta’ Investiment issa hija ta’ Kategorija 3, liema licenzja – apparti l-provvista ta’ servizzi Advisory u Discretionary – tawtorizza lil Finco taghmel kummerc on own account fi strumenti finanzjarji u fis-suq tal-kambju.

Fl-istess hin, il-Finco ottjeniet ukoll licenzja ai termini tal-Att dwar l-Istituzzjonijiet Finanzjarji biex  tkun tista’ wkoll tipprovdi servizzi tal-foreign exchange, kemm spot kif ukoll forward, mhux biss lil klijenti taghha fil-qasam tal-investment management izda wkoll lil pubbliku in generali u lis-settur kummercjali.

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